Best Brands of Organic Milk
Find the best milk for your family using this new scorecard.
By Alison Rogers
October/November 2007
You'll enjoy that tall glass of
fresh, cold milk even more when you're sure it came from a well-managed organic
The ever-growing popularity of all things organic has encouraged a boom in organic and hormone-free dairy products. While this trend gives us more healthy and affordable options at the grocery store, it also has given rise to a number of dairies willing to bend the rules for a share of the profit. But the Cornucopia Institute, a nonprofit small farm advocacy group, has developed a way to enable consumers to identify the best dairy brands. The report, Maintaining the Integrity of Organic Milk, includes a scorecard that rates 68 different organic dairy brands against a set of criteria central to true organic standards. Check out the milk brand scorecard.
Click the milk brand scorecard - it evaluates and rates the different farms in the US. The dairies are listed on the scorecard as 5 cows (the best dairy brands) down to 0 cows. It seems to be the most current information of its kind.