Robyn Griggs Lawrence on green homes, natural health, comfortable and uncluttered living spaces, wabi sabi simplicity philosophy, and more.
6/7/2011 4:55:19 PM

Acidic vinegar kills some germs and microbes and inhibits their
growth; cuts grease, lime deposits and soap buildup; disinfects and
deodorizes; removes stains, shines and polishes. I use white vinegar for
practically everything I clean, from my wood floors to my toilets. I
mix about ½ cup of vinegar with a cup of water and add a little orange
or lemon essential oil to make a wonderful, all-purpose sanitizing
spray. I also like to put a little in a small bowl and place it on a
high shelf to absorb odors, and I use vinegar scented with essential
oils to wash garbage cans and remove pet stains.
During the workshop, we talked about the importance of checking
the label before you buy white vinegar to make sure it’s made from
natural ingredients. If the label says “grain alcohol,” “neutral grain
spirits” or “wine,” it’s made from natural ingredients such as corn,
apples or grapes. Avoid anything that says “synthetic alcohol,” as it’s
likely petroleum-based.
Baking soda is an effective (and cheap) deodorizer that also
scours and removes smudges or scuffs from floors. When my dog has an
accident inside (which, in her defense, is almost always my fault), I
add a few drops of lavender essential oil to baking soda, sprinkle it on
the rug, let it dry and vacuum. This formula is much more pleasant
smelling and healthier than the chemical formulas that are sold for this
purpose. I also use a thick paste made from baking soda and water to
clean my oven—simply apply the paste, let it sit overnight, remove and
follow with a swipe of vinegar-water solution. (You can play with the
ratios. One of the great things about cleaning with these simple
ingredients is that it doesn’t have to be an exact science.)
The real fun happens when you combine baking soda and vinegar
in to clear sluggish drains. Pour in ½ cup of baking soda and chase it
with ½ cup of vinegar, then watch it fizz as the acid and alkaline react
to each other. It’s so much fun that my kids beg to clean the drains!
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post, on natural and scientifically proven ways to fight germs and viruses—without nasty chemicals.

Common baking soda deodorizes, scours and removes scuffs and smudges. Photo by Povy Kendal Atchison
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