Monday, May 2, 2011

Jamie Oliver: Try Something New

Have you ever tasted a purple potato or a golden beet? Chef Jamie Oliver, star of TV's Food Revolution, invites us to explore a world of new tastes.

Have you watched his show on TV where he is trying to get our children to appreciate and eat food that is better for them  by working to develop healthy school lunches in several school districts and states?

Jamie works hard trying to get across a very important message, that the nutritionally poor diet that our kids and many adults are eating is literally making them sick.

These vegetables can be grown easily at home in your backyard, front yard, patio, deck, in raised beds, wood and other large pots, planters, half wine barrels or any other creative container you can come up with.

It is fun to nurture and grow vegetables and then eat what you grew. When gardening we are exposed to a bacteria in the soil that actually generates Serotonin in our brains that causes us to feel happy. It is supposed to be better than taking Prozac!

And we also get to eat healthy food from our own hand.

Give it a try, you won't be disappointed!!!

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